Cliqly Review: $97 Upgrade Case Study

FULL DISCLOSURE: I paid the $97 fee for my virtual assistant to upgrade his account so that we could go through another week and answer the burning question I asked at the conclusion of the Cliqly Free Trial Review post

Question: If the upgrade gives you the EXACT credits as free trial, and free trial did NOT make $97, how is upgrading going to be profitable?

In short, the answer is a resounding, NO!

But for transparency, details of each day, coming soon…

Upgrade – New Member

01:58 Minute Video

Day 1 New Member:

04:35 Minute Video

Day 1 New Member Revenue:

Day 2 New Member

04:22 Minute Video

Day 2 New Member Revenue:

Day 3 New Member:

08:46 Minute Video

Day 3 New Member Revenue:

Day 4 New Member:

06:30 Minute Video

Day 4 New Member Revenue:

Day 5 New Member:

03:23 Minute Video

Day 5 New Member Revenue:

Day 6 New Member:

05:50 Minute Video

Day 6 New Member Revenue:

Day 7 New Member:

06:30 Minute Video

Day 7 New Member Revenue:

Conclusion: Final Overall Review of Case Study

20:54 Minute Video

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  1. Thank you for this. Your time and efforts are appreciated. I just want to emphasize that $97 is a very small amount to try out a business and actually get any results at all. Most brick
    And mortar stores take in excess of a year to get profitable. And an email list is an asset that you can continue to use and has value.

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