Cliqly Review: Free-Trial Case Study

I wanted to conduct a real-world case study scenario, with real results, of the Cliqly Email Marketing system. The new referral (affiliate) program, comes with a lot of hype, so I wanted to put it to the test to see if it would live up to the buzz.
**The below information makes the assumption that you know what the cliqly business model is. This post is strictly for breaking down the affiliate side of the business and gaining a perspective from a brand new person signing up. You can learn more about the Cliqly business by reading the Cliqly Review blog post here.

Summary: Thought Process For Doing This

When I got started with Cliqly (Nov 17th, 2021), it cost $1497 to sign up. The business went through a lot of ups and downs, but if I am being blunt, it was mostly downs based on the way we were sold on this this opportunity. We were told we could build these lists to send our own offers or affiliate products to and make money with the lists. The only thing that ended up working, was using the lists to gain 10 cent clicks. Now, the newest opportunity for Cliqly members to make money, is the affiliate program where we can share this with new people and generate a commission off of them.

Cliqly is offering new members who sign up, a free-trial to test the system out (no credit card required). The person who refers you is your ‘coach’ and will get credit for the lifetime of your business. I decided to have one of my virtual assistants, with very little background information, sign up and record his experience, so that I could gain a perspective from a new person and see if it was a viable way for him to make additional income online.

If you have read any of my comments in my public Cliqly Facebook Group or watched any of my Youtube videos about Cliqly, it is no secret that I am not the biggest fan of the affiliate program or the program itself for that matter. My personal experience with the Cliqly business, has tainted my opinion towards it, and has put a huge red flag on it, for me to share this with others.

With that being said, I also realize that the Cliqly business being sold today, is NOT the same business as when I signed up, so the only way to change my mind (or to confirm my initial assumptions that it’s NOT a great opportunity), was to do this case study.

I am a firm believer, that as an affiliate marketer, the most important responsibility you have to people, is to only promote things that you personally use and would endorse with your name on it. It is important to to only recommend things that you believe would truly help someone else’s business.

Affiliate marketing is NOT for the sole purpose of just making money off other people. We, as marketers, abdicate our responsibility to others, when we are willing to mislead or manipulate them into participating in programs that don’t help them, but make us, the affiliate, the money.

*You can see the full sales page and watch the sales video by clicking the image below:

Free-Trial Sign Up Process:

I had my Virtual Assistant go to the sales page, watch the sales video, and then click the button to sign up. His computer’s anti-virus immediately blocked the site for possible phishing…lol

I had him record the sign up fail, seen below:

00:35 Second Video

I included the error above so that people are aware that users may or may not have an anti-virus flag it. He went ahead and marked the site as safe and proceeded to register a free account as shown below.

01:03 Minute Video

Free-Trial Membership Details:

The free trial membership includes the following:

  • 5000 FREE pre-built subscriber list
  • 200,000 List Building Credits (for adding new subs to the list)
  • 500,000 Cliqly Pro (cpro) Sending Credits (for emailing your current list)

Per instructions from Bobby, the game plan is to setup and send 40,000 List Building emails per day (to gain subscribers to your current list of 5000) and setup and send 75,000 Cliqly Pro (cpro) emails per day going to your current list (of 5000) subscribers.

Day 1 Case Study: 3/25/2023

Below is a summary video, that gives a perspective from a brand new person, and his overall thoughts about his first day going through the Cliqly business training. It is interesting to listen to him talk through what he is thinking as he gets underway with this business.

07:31 Min Video

If you would like to watch a video of the daily tasks of setting up emails (no commentary), on Day 1, you can check that out here on my youtube channel: Day 1 Sending Cliqly Sending Video

Day 1 Case Study Revenue Results: 3/25/2023

As you can see, the first day of sending produced $8 from 80 clicks at .10 per click. As per instructed, setup was 40,000 List building sends and 75,000 emails to the current list. As he points out in the video, he had questions about emailing the list so much. He realized that he was sending 15 emails in a day to his current list of 5000 people.

Day 2 Case Study: 3/26/2023

05:36 Minute Video

If you would like to watch a video of the daily tasks of setting up emails (no commentary), on Day 2, you can check that out here on my youtube channel: Day 2 Sending Cliqly Sending Video

01:30 Minute Video

Day 2 Case Study Revenue Results: 3/26/2023

Above shows that he made $8.40 from 84 clicks at .10 per click.

Day 3 Case Study: 3/27/2023

05:10 Minute Video

Day 3 Case Study Revenue Results: 3/27/2023

There is a time difference and that slightly messed up the scheduling setup. These are probably clicks that came from the previous day sends. The time zone for sending servers is Central Standard Time and format is Military time.

Day 4 Case Study: 3/28/2023

07:56 Minute Video

If you would like to watch a video of the daily tasks of setting up emails, on Day 4, you can check that out here on my youtube channel: Day 4 Sending Cliqly Sending Video

Day 4 Case Study Revenue Results: 3/28/2023

Total revenue is $9.60 from 96 clicks at .10 per click. Earnings are pretty consistent, which is something I expected.

Day 5 Case Study: 3/29/2023

04:35 Minute Video
03:54 Minute Video

Day 5 Case Study Revenue Results: 3/29/2023

Day 6 Case Study: 3/30/2023

08:19 Minute Video

If you would like to watch a video of the daily tasks of setting up emails, on Day 6, you can check that out here on my youtube channel: Day 6 Sending Cliqly Sending Video

Day 6 Case Study Recap Video:

02:12 Minute Video

Day 6 Case Study Revenue Results: 3/30/2023

Day 7 Case Study: 3/31/2023

04:26 Minute Video

Day 7 Case Study Revenue Results: 3/31/2023

Final Day Case Study: 4/01/2023

Final Day Case Study Revenue Results: 4/01/2023

Cliqly Case Study Full Summary:

Day 1: $8
Day 2: $8.40
Day 3: $1.00 – Time difference and getting used to scheduling was issue
Day 4: $9.60
Day 5: 
Day 6: 
Day 7: 
Day 8: $5.80

Total Earnings From Free Trial of Cliqly System: $64.20

Gained around 1800 new subscribers from list building.

This is when the new user will need to make a decision to upgrade their account by paying $97.

The $97 is going to give the new member the exact same amount of credits as they received during the free trial week and instruct the new person to do the same emailing tasks.

Question: If the upgrade gives you the EXACT credits as free trial, and free trial did NOT make $97, how is upgrading going to be profitable?

Below is an image from my public Cliqly Facebook group, where I do not censor posts and welcome all opinions. Paul went through the case study and found our group and posted his own results, which weren’t as good as the results my guy, Mark did:

I have decided to continue the case study and upgrade my Virtual Assistant’s account so that we can continue gathering data on a new person’s experience. You can follow and read more at the Cliqly Review: $97 Upgrade Case Study post here

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